South-east and Northern Queensland
Established: 1963
Project: Long term demographic monitoring of rainforest trees to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that maintain diversity in complex, species rich tropical and subtropical rainforests.
Title: Rainforest tree data packages comprising stand structure data for rainforest trees at the Davies Creek Connell Plot, Dinden National Park (25 km south west of Cairns, Queensland) and the O'Reilly's Connell Plot, Lamington National Park (84 km south of Brisbane, Queensland).
Abstract: These rainforest tree data packages comprise stand structure and demographic data for rainforest trees at sites in the Connell Rainforest Plots network, one at Davies Creek in Dinden National Park, (25 km south west of Cairns), and one near O'Reilly's guest house in Lamington National Park (84 km south of Brisbane), Queensland. Rainforest tree attributes recorded comprise the size (height or girth) of tagged and mapped, free-standing stems of shrub and tree species. All size classes from tiny seedlings to large canopy trees are included in the monintoring. The plots were initiated by Professor Joseph H. Connell (University of California, Santa Barbara) in 1963, and sampling has been conducted at intervals of 1-6 years since then.
Funding: Research on these plots was funded by competitive grants from the National Science Foundation (USA) from 1963-2003.

Plot Leader: Dr Peter Green
Organisation: Department of Botany, La Trobe University
Address: Department of Botany, La Trobe University, Bundoora 3086