Victoria’s Bogong High Plains and other high plains and mountain summits
Established: 1940's
Aim: Monitor the dynamics of the major alpine ecosystems, and understand fundamental ecological processes by assessing the effects of disturbance by fire, climate change and invasive alien species on the alpine biota.
Key research questions:
- What are the long term changes in the major vegetation types and faunal assemblages?
- What are the likely long term effects on the alpine biota of human disturbance, climate change, drought, fire and altered biotic interactions?
- All major vegetation types including heathlands, grasslands, wetlands and rare snow-patch herbfields.
- Small mammals and invertebrates.
- Genetics and phenology.
The frequency of surveys generally ranges from every 3 to 10 years; some plots are surveyed annually during initial monitoring.
The original plots in this network were established in the 1940s; additional plots were set up in the 1980s and following decades. Plots associated with an international climate change experiment were established in 2003.
Leader: Professor Ary Hoffmann
Institution: University of Melbourne