LTERN Data Portal
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1998–2011
- Citation
Lindenmayer, D (): Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1998–2011. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern.330.16
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal investigator
- Organization
- The Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Abstract
The Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network Bird Point Count Data contains counts of all birds seen and heard over five minute periods at each of the 0 m, 100 m and 200 m posts along a permanent 200m transect at each site. Dawn bird counts are conducted every 1-2 years using repeated point interval counts. Repeated point counts by two different observers on two different days are undertaken. The distance that each bird was seen/heard at is recorded along with bird abundance and any anecdotal comments (e.g. breeding behaviour). Bird species presence/absence or detection rates within 50 m of the observer is commonly used for analysis. The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation (Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, p. 160). The study area is located in the Southwest slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations. Repeated sampling of the vegetation structure and cover and selected vertebrate groups on all sites from 1998 has created a long term dataset. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Nanangroe Plantation Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Sachiko Okada
- Position
- Manager, Participant
- Organization
- The Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Address
ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 2601
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Data Owner
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal investigator
- Organization
- The Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Role
- Manager, Participant
- Individual
- Sachiko Okada
- Position
- Manager, Participant
- Organization
- The Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Funding
Since 2012 this project has been part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot set-up
Initially all patches of remnant native vegetation on areas designated for pine plantation were characterised. Fifty remnants were randomly selected with stratification, such as vegetation type, patch size, established year of surrounding pine trees. Fifty-six remnants on adjacent farms to pine plantations were selected to match those 50 remnants, to make sure that remnants from two groups were as similar as possible. Ten sites in cleared paddocks around the woodland remnants on the grazing properties and 10 sites in areas dominated by newly planted radiate pine trees were established as ‘‘landscape matrix’’ sites. Those sites were established in 1998, but a few sites were scrapped due to non-accessibility or vast invasion of weed. To make up for those abandoned sites, additional sites were established within a few years since the first establishment.
For more details, please refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, pp. 157-169.
- Instrument
- ArcGIS, GPS, Tape measure, Steel star picket posts, reflective tape, cattle ear tags: a star picket has been placed from 0m to 200m along a transect with 50m intervals.
Method Step 2- Description
Bird Point Count Surveys
Dawn bird counts are conducted every 1-2 years using repeated point interval counts. Bird observers count all birds seen and heard over five minute periods at each of the 0 m, 100 m and 200 m posts along a permanent 200m transect established at each site. Repeated point counts by two different observers on two different days are undertaken. The distance that each bird was heard and seen at is recorded along with bird abundance and any anecdotal comments (e.g. breeding behaviour). Bird species presence/absence or detection rates within 50 m of the observer is commonly used for analysis.
- Instrument
- Binoculars, field guide.
Method Step 3- Description
The distance that each bird was heard and seen at is recorded along with bird abundance and any anecdotal comments (e.g. breeding behaviour).
- Instrument
- Clipboard, pencil and datasheet.
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
Bird point count surveys were not coducted between 2008 and 2010 inclusive.
- Sampling Description
Refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2.
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- Keywords List
- Birds
- Bird counts
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Birds
- Grazing domestic livestock
- Fragmentation
- 0501
- 0602
- 0608
- Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Birds
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- The Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network is located in the southwest slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations.
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 148.313807 degrees
- East
- 148.534563 degrees
- North
- -34.912979 degrees
- South
- -35.069528 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date Begin
- 1998
- Date End
- 2011
- Taxonomic Coverage and Classification
- Classification
- Species
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
- Species
- Acanthiza lineata
- Species
- Acanthiza nana
- Species
- Acanthiza pusilla
- Species
- Acanthiza reguloides
- Species
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
- Species
- Accipiter cirrocephalus
- Species
- Accipiter fasciatus
- Species
- Accipiter novaehollandiae
- Species
- Acrocephalus australis
- Species
- Alauda arvensis
- Species
- Alisterus scapularis
- Species
- Anas castanea
- Species
- Anas gracilis
- Species
- Anas superciliosa
- Species
- Anthochaera carunculata
- Species
- Anthus novaeseelandiae
- Species
- Aphelocephala leucopsis
- Species
- Aquila audax
- Species
- Ardea pacifica
- Species
- Artamus cyanopterus
- Species
- Artamus personatus
- Species
- Artamus superciliosus
- Species
- Aythya australis
- Species
- Cacatua galerita
- Species
- Cacatua sanguinea
- Species
- Cacomantis flabelliformis
- Species
- Cacomantis pallidus
- Species
- Cacomantis variolosus
- Species
- Caligavis chrysops
- Species
- Callocephalon fimbriatum
- Species
- Calyptorhynchus funereus
- Species
- Carduelis carduelis
- Species
- Chalcites basalis
- Species
- Chalcites lucidus
- Species
- Chenonetta jubata
- Species
- Chthonicola sagittata
- Species
- Cincloramphus cruralis
- Species
- Cincloramphus mathewsi
- Species
- Cinclosoma punctatum
- Species
- Cisticola exilis
- Species
- Climacteris picumnus
- Species
- Colluricincla harmonica
- Species
- Coracina novaehollandiae
- Species
- Coracina papuensis
- Species
- Coracina tenuirostris
- Species
- Corcorax melanorhamphos
- Species
- Cormobates leucophaea
- Species
- Corvus coronoides
- Species
- Corvus mellori
- Species
- Coturnix pectoralis
- Species
- Coturnix ypsilophora
- Species
- Cracticus nigrogularis
- Species
- Cracticus tibicen
- Species
- Cracticus torquatus
- Species
- Dacelo novaeguineae
- Species
- Daphoenositta chrysoptera
- Species
- Dicaeum hirundinaceum
- Species
- Egretta novaehollandiae
- Species
- Elanus axillaris
- Species
- Elseyornis melanops
- Species
- Entomyzon cyanotis
- Species
- Eolophus roseicapillus
- Species
- Eopsaltria australis
- Species
- Epthianura albifrons
- Species
- Epthianura tricolor
- Species
- Eurystomus orientalis
- Species
- Falco berigora
- Species
- Falco cenchroides
- Species
- Falco longipennis
- Species
- Falco peregrinus
- Species
- Falcunculus frontatus
- Species
- Gallinula tenebrosa
- Species
- Geopelia striata
- Species
- Gerygone fusca
- Species
- Gerygone olivacea
- Species
- Glossopsitta pusilla
- Species
- Grallina cyanoleuca
- Species
- Haliastur sphenurus
- Species
- Hirundo neoxena
- Species
- Lalage sueurii
- Species
- Leucosarcia melanoleuca
- Species
- Malurus cyaneus
- Species
- Manorina melanocephala
- Species
- Meliphaga lewinii
- Species
- Melithreptus brevirostris
- Species
- Melithreptus gularis
- Species
- Melithreptus lunatus
- Species
- Melopsittacus undulatus
- Species
- Menura novaehollandiae
- Species
- Merops ornatus
- Species
- Microcarbo melanoleucos
- Species
- Microeca fascinans
- Species
- Myiagra cyanoleuca
- Species
- Myiagra inquieta
- Species
- Myiagra rubecula
- Species
- Neochmia temporalis
- Species
- Neophema pulchella
- Species
- Nesoptilotis leucotis
- Species
- Nycticorax caledonicus
- Species
- Nymphicus hollandicus
- Species
- Ocyphaps lophotes
- Species
- Oriolus sagittatus
- Species
- Pachycephala olivacea
- Species
- Pachycephala pectoralis
- Species
- Pachycephala rufiventris
- Species
- Pardalotus punctatus
- Species
- Pardalotus striatus
- Species
- Passer domesticus
- Species
- Petrochelidon ariel
- Species
- Petrochelidon nigricans
- Species
- Petroica boodang
- Species
- Petroica goodenovii
- Species
- Petroica phoenicea
- Species
- Petroica rosea
- Species
- Phalacrocorax carbo
- Species
- Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
- Species
- Phalacrocorax varius
- Species
- Phaps chalcoptera
- Species
- Phaps elegans
- Species
- Philemon citreogularis
- Species
- Philemon corniculatus
- Species
- Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
- Species
- Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera
- Species
- Platalea flavipes
- Species
- Platycercus elegans
- Species
- Platycercus eximius
- Species
- Polytelis swainsonii
- Species
- Pomatostomus superciliosus
- Species
- Psephotus haematonotus
- Species
- Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
- Species
- Ptilotula fusca
- Species
- Ptilotula penicillata
- Species
- Rhipidura albiscapa
- Species
- Rhipidura leucophrys
- Species
- Rhipidura rufifrons
- Species
- Sericornis frontalis
- Species
- Smicrornis brevirostris
- Species
- Stagonopleura guttata
- Species
- Strepera graculina
- Species
- Strepera versicolor
- Species
- Sturnus vulgaris
- Species
- Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
- Species
- Threskiornis molucca
- Species
- Threskiornis spinicollis
- Species
- Todiramphus pyrrhopygius
- Species
- Todiramphus sanctus
- Species
- Turdus merula
- Species
- Turnix pyrrhothorax
- Species
- Turnix varius
- Species
- Vanellus miles
- Species
- Zoothera lunulata
- Species
- Zosterops lateralis
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special Conditions: Co-authorship with the data provider (Professor David Lindenmayer) of any publication of research utilising this data is an expected outcome. The data provider requests consultation, including a summary of the proposed research and intended use before publication of research utilising this data is possible.
- Data Table
- Name
- lngr_bird_point_counts_data_1998-2011_p170t339.csv
- Description
- Bird point count data from Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network 1998–2011
- Attribute Information
- Name
- visit_code
- Definition
- Unique code, combination of survey year-survey season-site code-repeat number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
survey_year- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Calendar year of survey conducted
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Location and site number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
plot_number- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Site marker point on a permanent transect
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- 0 m points on a transect
- 2
- 100 m points on a transect
- 3
- 200 m points on a transect
repeat_number- Name
- repeat_number
- Definition
- Survey replicates in a given year
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
common_name- Name
- common_name
- Definition
- Common name
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
scientific_name- Name
- scientific_name
- Definition
- Species scientific name
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
abundance- Name
- abundance
- Definition
- Count of species detected at the survey point
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
distance- Name
- distance
- Definition
- Radial distance from survey point (metres)
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- meter
- Number Type
- whole
comments- Name
- comments
- Definition
- Comments
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
- Number Of Records
- 94372
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lngr_bird_point_counts_data_1998-2011_p170t339.csv
- Size
- 9684403 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern.331.4
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_nanangroe,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=nesp,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- lngr_bird_point_counts_site_information_1998-2011_p170t401.csv
- Description
- Site information from bird point count surveys in Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network 1998–2011
- Attribute Information
- Name
- visit_code
- Definition
- Combination of survey year-survey season-site code-repeat number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
survey_year- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Calendar year of survey conducted
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Location and site number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
survey_date- Name
- survey_date
- Definition
- Survey date
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
plot_number- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Site marker point on a permanent transect
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- 0 m points on a transect
- 2
- 100 m points on a transect
- 3
- 200 m points on a transect
repeat_number- Name
- repeat_number
- Definition
- Survey replicates in a given year
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
start_time- Name
- start_time
- Definition
- Survey start time
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
- hh:mm
temperature- Name
- temperature
- Definition
- Temperature
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- Not measured
- 1
- Cold
- 2
- Cool
- 3
- Mild
- 4
- Warm
wind- Name
- wind
- Definition
- Wind
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- Not measured
- 1
- Calm
- 2
- Light
- 3
- Moderate
- 4
- Windy
cloud- Name
- cloud
- Definition
- Cloud
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- Not measured
- 1
- Clear
- 2
- Scattered
- 3
- Broken
- 4
- Overcast
comments- Name
- comments
- Definition
- Comments
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
- Number Of Records
- 7138
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lngr_bird_point_counts_site_information_1998-2011_p170t401.csv
- Size
- 500958 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern.332.3
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_nanangroe,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=nesp,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Additional Metadata Links
additionalLinksAdditional Metadata : additionalLinks
- Metadata
- additionalLinks
- url
- @name
- Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network homepage
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_nanangroe,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title