LTERN Data Portal
Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Vegetation Survey Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia, 2013
- Citation
Lindenmayer, D (): Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Vegetation Survey Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia, 2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern2.172.50
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal Investigator
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Abstract
The Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network Vegetation Survey Data contains transect, plot- and subplot-based vegetation data collected from 175 spread across the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands in Victoria, Australia. Vegetation related data is collected annually from 105 of 163 (175 in 2013) sites (mainly sites burnt in 2009) and every 2 to 3 years from the remaining 70 sites (unburnt sites). Vegetation species are recorded along transects. A Height versus Diameter matrix is used to record all woody plants and tree ferns over 2m in height within the three 10 x 10 m plots situated along the transect. A basal sweep is done in the middle of each 10x10 m plot. Basal Area Factor 1m squared is used with the number of Acacia species recorded, as well as whether the tree is alive or dead. Seedling plots (1m x1m) are located in the middle of each of the three 10mx10m plots and all living plant species which are less than 5 m in height with their bases rooted within the 1 x 1 m plots are recorded by height increments in the table. This is part of a much larger dataset that began in 1983, when the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network research plots commenced. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal Investigator
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Frank Fenner Building (Building 141), Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 0200
- Phone
- voice
- 02 61250654
- Email Address
- Individual
- Mr David Blair
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 0200
- Phone
- voice
- 03 5962 4043, 0439 660996
- Email Address
- Individual
- Mr Lachlan McBurney
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 0200
- Phone
- voice
- 0401 124 929
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Plot network contact
- Individual
- Mr David Blair
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Role
- Plot network contact
- Individual
- Mr Lachlan McBurney
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot set-up
Vegetation survey data was collected at a subset of 81 of the 175 permanent 3 hectare plots studied by Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest. The majority subset (60% - and the same subset each year) are surveyed annually, the remainder are surveyed every 2-3 years.
- Instrument
- None provided.
Method Step 2- Description
Vegetation Surveys
Standardized vegetation condition measurements were collected in 3 plots (1 x 1 m, 10 m x 10 m) nested within 1 ha plots measured annually.
Species diversity and abundance:
A record is taken whenever a species is observed within 5 m either side of the central transect (marked ‘T’) and additionally if the species is seen within any of the three 10 x 10 m plots a ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ are additionally listed in the box next to the species. (Example “T/1/3 Acacia dealbata” would mean A.d. was seen in plot 1 and plot 3 and on the transect). If a species is seen only within a 10x10 m plot, it is still recorded on the transect as the transect includes the three plots. If a species is identifiable but dead, it is not recorded. Immediately post fire, species were recorded as live, dead, or burnt. If a species is associated only with the roadside vegetation, the species is marked ‘R’. If the species is only observed elsewhere on the site outside the 10 x 100 m transect, it is listed with a diagonal slash across the box or ‘S’ to indicate it is present elsewhere on the site.
Height v Diameter matrix:
The HvD matrix records all the woody plants and tree ferns (no grasses, bracken, sedges, climbers etc.) over 2 m within the three 10 x 10 m plots. Every stem has Diameter Breast Height (DBH) and overall height measured and the species is entered in the matrix. Multiple stemmed plants generally have a count for each individual stem over 1.3 m high (DBH), so a single Correa or Olearia plant (for example) may be counted as multiple stems. Tree ferns with fronds that extend above 2 m are recorded in the diameter class of their trunk, even if this is below 1.3 m high. Tree ferns with trunks shorter than 1.3 m are still recorded as a single occurrence.
Stems are listed as either live ‘L’, or dead ‘D’, species codes from the species list on the first page should be used. So a typical entry would be “Adx3 (D)” = three dead Acacia dealbata.
The HvD matrix originally was a single table for each site, with all three plots entered into the one table. In
2012, this was split into three individual tables, one for each 10 x 10 m plot to help with identifying change
over time in subsequent surveying, something that was very difficult with all three entered into a single
Basal wedge of Acacia:
A basal sweep is done in the middle of each 10 x 10 m plot, using the “bottle opener” type basal wedge, using the ‘BAF 1’ slot. The number of each species of Acacia is recorded, as well as whether the tree is alive or dead. Trees shorter than 2 m are not counted.
Trees on a lean greater than 45 degrees are not counted.
Seedling plots:
All species that are rooted within the 1 x 1 m plots (usually located in the centre of the 10 x 10 m plots), are alive and that are under 5 m are recorded by height increments in the table. Where the species is a sprawling ground cover (e.g. Stellaria, wire grass, geranium etc.), an estimate of rooting nodes is taken.
- Instrument
- Assisted by volunteers.
Method Step 3- Description
Field proformas were used.
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
Each monitoring site is 3 hectares, with monitoring occurring only on the central hectare which is usually square, measuring 100 x 100 m or occasionally sites measuring 200 x 50 m where they interface gullies.
- Sampling Description
Each long term monitoring site is 3 hectares. Vegetation data is collected annually, but not all plots are surveyed every year. The majority subset (60% - and the same subset each year) are surveyed annually, the remainder are surveyed every 2-3 years. The annual survey sites are those that were burnt in 2009, plus a few extras. The less frequently surveyed sites are the long unburnt/green sites that have less annual change.
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- Keywords List
- Stem counts
- Permanent plot
- Hollows
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Vegetation structure
- Plant species composition
- Plant species abundance
- Individual plants
- 0501 Ecological Applications
- 0602 Ecology
- GCMD Science Keywords
- Biological Classification > Plants
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 145.477922 degrees
- East
- 146.195374 degrees
- North
- -37.342523 degrees
- South
- -37.919069 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date
- 2013
- Taxonomic Coverage and Classification
- Classification
- Species
- Acacia dealbata
- Species
- Acacia frigescens
- Species
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Species
- Acacia nanodealbata
- Species
- Acacia obliquinervia
- Species
- Acacia verniciflua
- Species
- Acacia verticillata
- Species
- Acrothamnus maccraei
- Species
- Asperula euryphylla
- Species
- Asperula gunnii
- Species
- Atherosperma moschatum
- Species
- Australina pusilla
- Species
- Austrocynoglossum latifolium
- Species
- Bedfordia arborescens
- Species
- Billardiera macrantha
- Species
- Billardiera mutabilis
- Species
- Blechnum cartilagineum
- Species
- Blechnum fluviatile
- Species
- Blechnum minus
- Species
- Blechnum nudum
- Species
- Blechnum wattsii
- Species
- Calochlaena dubia
- Species
- Calystegia marginata
- Species
- Carex appressa
- Species
- Carex species
- Species
- Cassinia aculeata
- Species
- Cassinia longifolia
- Species
- Centaurium erythraea
- Species
- Cirsium vulgare
- Species
- Clematis aristata
- Species
- Conyza bonariensis
- Species
- Coprosma hirtella
- Species
- Coprosma quadrifida
- Species
- Correa lawrenciana
- Species
- Cyathea australis
- Species
- Cynoglossum latifolium
- Species
- Daviesia mimosoides
- Species
- Dawsonia superba
- Species
- Dianella tasmanica
- Species
- Dicksonia antarctica
- Species
- Digitalis purpurea
- Species
- Diplazium australe
- Species
- Drymophila cyanocarpa
- Species
- Dryopoa dives
- Species
- Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Species
- Eucalyptus delegatensis
- Species
- Eucalyptus dives
- Species
- Eucalyptus nitens
- Species
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- Species
- Eucalyptus radiata
- Species
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Species
- Eucalyptus viminalis
- Species
- Gahnia radula
- Species
- Gahnia sieberiana
- Species
- Galium gaudichaudii
- Species
- Galium propinquum
- Species
- Gamochaeta calviceps
- Species
- Geranium variable
- Species
- Gleichenia microphylla
- Species
- Gonocarpus humilis
- Species
- Goodenia ovata
- Species
- Goodia lotifolia
- Species
- Grammitis billardierei
- Species
- Hedycarya angustifolia
- Species
- Histiopteris incisa
- Species
- Holcus lanatus
- Species
- Hydrocotyle geraniifolia
- Species
- Hydrocotyle hirta
- Species
- Hymenophyllum species
- Species
- Hypochaeris radicata
- Species
- Hypolepis rugosula
- Species
- Isolepis subtilissima
- Species
- Lagenophora montana
- Species
- Leionema bilobum
- Species
- Lepidosperma elatius
- Species
- Leptinella filicula
- Species
- Leptospermum grandiflorum
- Species
- Leptostigma reptans
- Species
- Lomatia fraseri
- Species
- Mentha australis
- Species
- Mentha laxiflora
- Species
- Microlaena stipoides
- Species
- Microsorum pustulatum
- Species
- Notelaea ligustrina
- Species
- Nothofagus cunninghamii
- Species
- Olearia argophylla
- Species
- Olearia lirata
- Species
- Olearia phlogopappa
- Species
- Olearia rugosa
- Species
- Oreomyrrhis eriopoda
- Species
- Oxalis exilis
- Species
- Parsonsia brownii
- Species
- Persoonia arborea
- Species
- Phebalium squamulosum
- Species
- Philotheca myoporoides
- Species
- Pimelea axiflora
- Species
- Pimelea linifolia
- Species
- Pittosporum bicolor
- Species
- Platylobium formosum
- Species
- Poa ensiformis
- Species
- Polyscias sambucifolia
- Species
- Polystichum proliferum
- Species
- Pomaderris aspera
- Species
- Poranthera microphylla
- Species
- Prostanthera lasianthos
- Species
- Prostanthera melissifolia
- Species
- Prunella vulgaris
- Species
- Pteridium esculentum
- Species
- Ranunculus plebeius
- Species
- Rapanea howittiana
- Species
- Rorippa dictyosperma
- Species
- Rubus fruticosus
- Species
- Rubus parvifolius
- Species
- Sambucus gaudichaudiana
- Species
- Senecio glomeratus
- Species
- Senecio gunnii
- Species
- Senecio minimus
- Species
- Senecio vagus
- Species
- Senecio velleioides
- Species
- Solanum aviculare
- Species
- Solanum prinophyllum
- Species
- Sonchus oleraceus
- Species
- Stellaria flaccida
- Species
- Sticherus lobatus
- Species
- Tasmannia lanceolata
- Species
- Tetrarrhena juncea
- Species
- Todea barbara
- Species
- Trifolium species
- Species
- Urtica incisa
- Species
- Veronica derwentiana
- Species
- Viola eminens
- Species
- Viola hederacea
- Species
- Zieria arborescens
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special Condition Co-authorship with the data provider (Professor David Lindenmayer) of any publication of research utilising this data is an expected outcome. The data provider requests consultation, including a summary of the proposed research and intended use before publication of research utilising this data is possible.
- Data Table
- Name
- lvic_basal_wedge_of_acacia_2013_p205t126.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Survey year
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
date- Name
- date
- Definition
- Survey date
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Site code
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
plot_number- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Plot number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
acacia_dealbata_alive_- Name
- acacia_dealbata_alive_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia dealbata plants alive
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
acacia_dealbata_dead_- Name
- acacia_dealbata_dead_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia dealbata plants dead
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
acacia_frigescens_alive_- Name
- acacia_frigescens_alive_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia frigescens plants alive
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
acacia_frigescens_dead_- Name
- acacia_frigescens_dead_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia Acacia frigescens plants dead
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
acacia_obliquinervia_alive_- Name
- acacia_obliquinervia_alive_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia obliquinervia plants alive
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
acacia_obliquinervia_dead_- Name
- acacia_obliquinervia_dead_
- Definition
- Number of Acacia Acacia obliquinervia plants dead
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
other_acacia_alive_- Name
- other_acacia_alive_
- Definition
- other_acacia_alive_
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- real
other_acacia_dead_- Name
- other_acacia_dead_
- Definition
- Number of other Acacia species plants alive
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_basal_wedge_of_acacia_2013_p205t126.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.173.2
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- lvic_height_v_diameter_matrix_2013_p205t144.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Survey year
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
date- Name
- date
- Definition
- Date of observation
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Site code
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
dbh- Name
- dbh
- Definition
- Diameter at breast height
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
height- Name
- height
- Definition
- Height
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species- Name
- species
- Definition
- Species recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species_amended- Name
- species_amended
- Definition
- Flora descriptor
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
abundance- Name
- abundance
- Definition
- Abundance
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
conditions- Name
- conditions
- Definition
- Condition
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
comments- Name
- comments
- Definition
- Comments
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_height_v_diameter_matrix_2013_p205t144.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.174.1
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- lvic_seedling_plots_2013_p205t131.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Survey year
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
date- Name
- date
- Definition
- Date of observation
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Site code
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
plot_number- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Plot number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
seedling_height- Name
- seedling_height
- Definition
- Seedling height
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
species- Name
- species
- Definition
- Species recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species_amended- Name
- species_amended
- Definition
- Flora descriptor
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
sumofabundance- Name
- sumofabundance
- Definition
- Sum of abundance
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_seedling_plots_2013_p205t131.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.175.1
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- lvic_species_diversity_2013_p205t148.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Survey year
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
date- Name
- date
- Definition
- Date of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Site code
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species- Name
- species
- Definition
- Species recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species_amended- Name
- species_amended
- Definition
- Flora descriptor
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_species_diversity_2013_p205t148.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.176.2
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Additional Metadata Links
additionalLinksAdditional Metadata : additionalLinks
- Metadata
- additionalLinks
- url
- @name
- Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title