LTERN Data Portal
Mallee Plot Network: Vegetation Survey Data (Floristics and Structure), Western New South Wales and South Australia, Australia, 2013
- Citation
Keith, D (): Mallee Plot Network: Vegetation Survey Data (Floristics and Structure), Western New South Wales and South Australia, Australia, 2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern2.218.26
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Professor David Keith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales
- Abstract
The Mallee Plot Network Vegetation Survey (Floristics and Structure) Data Package contains vegetation survey data for fifty-three experimental 0.2 hectare sites which were established on dune crests and upper slopes in Tarawi Nature Reserve; Scotia Sanctuary and Danggali National Park. The floristic data collected includes census data for seedlings and established plants and structural data including estimates of cover and height for vegetation strata. The Mallee Plot Network research plots commenced in 1996 and were revisited annually for 3 years and then on a decadal basis. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Mallee Plot Network’s full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Katy Wilkins
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Address
Centre for Ecosystem Science
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales
Sydney. NSW 2052
- Phone
- voice
- 02 9385 8296
- Email Address
- Individual
- Mark Tozer
- Position
- Research Scientist
- Organization
- NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)
- Address
PO Box 1967
Sydney. NSW 2220
- Phone
- voice
- 02 9585 6496
- Email Address
- Individual
- Chris Simpson
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Address
Centre for Ecosystem Science
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales
Sydney. NSW 2052
- Phone
- voice
- 0409 159 334
- Email Address
- Individual
- Renee Woodward
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Address
Centre for Ecosystem Science
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales
Sydney. NSW 2052
- Phone
- voice
- 02 9585 6051
- Email Address
- Individual
- Professor David Keith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales
- Address
Centre for Ecosystem Science, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of New South Wales
Sydney. NSW 2052
- Phone
- voice
- 02 9385 2111
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Mallee Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Data Owner
- Individual
- Professor David Keith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales
- Role
- Plot Network Contact
- Individual
- Chris Simpson
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Role
- Plot Network Contact
- Individual
- Renee Woodward
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Role
- Plot Network Contact
- Individual
- Katy Wilkins
- Position
- Research Assistant
- Organization
- Centre for Ecosystem Science
- Role
- Plot Network Contact
- Individual
- Mark Tozer
- Position
- Research Scientist
- Organization
- NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)
- Funding
Since 2012 this project has been part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot set-up
Fifty-three experimental 0.2 hectare sites were established on dune crests and upper slopes in Tarawi Nature Reserve; Scotia Sanctuary and Danggali National Park. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from during 1996 to 2011.
Method Step 2- Description
Vegetation Survey
The density (number of individuals per unit area) of each vascular plant species are recorded in
every plot. That is, both the five 15 x 15 m fenced plots and the three 13 x 7.5 m unfenced external
plots. The total counts made in each plot are aided by informally dividing each plot up into segments
for logistical purposes only. Counts of each species are partitioned into: live reproductive plants; live
non-reproductive established plants; fire-killed established plants; plants that had emerged as
seedlings or re-sprouted after fire and subsequently died; live seedlings less than two years of age;
and dead seedlings. From Spring 2011, several additional attributes recording vegetation structure are visually estimated
in each exclusion and external plot. These currently include: hummock grass height (ten randomly
selected individuals per plot); and single estimates per plot for: tree cover and height range; shrub height (median and range); shrub cover; hummock grass cover; ephemeral grass cover; leaf and twig litter cover and bare ground cover. Seedling cohorts of Eucalyptus and Callitris that emerged after fires in 1996, 1997, 2005 and 2006 were marked with uniquely numbered metal tags and monitored for survival, growth and reproduction in subsequent years.
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
The Mallee Plot Network research plots commenced in 1996 and were revisited annually for 3 years and then on a decadal basis. The study focusses on vegetation dynamics on dune crests and upper slopes, primarily because resources are insufficient to sample across the full catenary sequence of dunes and swales. Study of fire in swale landforms is problematic because these are rarely flammable under prescribed fire conditions due to the absence of hummock grasses, which augment lateral fuel connectivity and thus promote fire spread on the dune crests and slopes. The study is located in the red aeolian sand dunefield landscape of the Scotia district within Tarawi Nature Reserve (33.44ºS 141.16ºE), Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary (33°17′S 141°05'E) and Danggali Nature Reserve (33° 22' S 140° 45' E) in south-western New South Wales and adjacent area of South Australia. The study area sits on the south-eastern edge of the Australian arid zone. This location is close to the arid limits of distribution of the mallee woodland biome, which stretches across the temperate semi-arid belt of southern Australia (Noble 1984). Mallee woodlands typically occur within regions receiving 200-500 mm rainfall per year. During 1940-2010, mean annual rainfall at Tarawi Homestead was approximately 240 mm (data summary courtesy of John Warren, Tarawi NR).
- Sampling Description
Fifty-three experimental sites have been established on dune crests and upper slopes during 1996 – 2011, of which 29 are located within Tarawi NR, with 16 in Scotia and eight in Danggali NR. In Tarawi NR, each is marked with a steel sign on an adjacent access track. These include four pilot sites established during 1996-1998, during which the design of herbivore exclosures were developed.
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- Keywords List
- Census data
- Seedlings
- Established plants
- Structural
- Estimates of cover
- Height
- Vegetation strata.
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Vegetation structure
- Plant species composition
- Plant species abundance
- 0501 Ecological Applications
- 0602 Ecology
- GCMD Science Keywords:
- Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- Tarawi Nature Reserve; Scotia Sanctuary and Danggali National Park, Western New South Wales and South Australia, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 140.958503 degrees
- East
- 141.222776 degrees
- North
- -33.271362 degrees
- South
- -33.467802 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date
- 2013
- Taxonomic Coverage and Classification
- Classification
- Species
- Acacia brachybotrya
- Species
- Acacia burkittii
- Species
- Acacia colletioides
- Species
- Acacia ligulata
- Species
- Acacia oswaldii
- Species
- Acacia rigens
- Species
- Acacia wilhelmiana
- Species
- Actinobole uliginosum
- Species
- Amphipogon caricinus
- Species
- Atriplex species
- Species
- Atriplex stipitata
- Species
- Austrostipa elegantissima
- Species
- Austrostipa nitida
- Species
- Austrostipa scabra
- Species
- Austrostipa species
- Species
- Beyeria opaca
- Species
- Brachycome ciliaris variety ciliaris
- Species
- Brachycome lineariloba
- Species
- Calandrinia eremaea
- Species
- Callitris verrucosa
- Species
- Calotis erinacea
- Species
- Calotis hispidula
- Species
- Chenopodium curvispicatum
- Species
- Chenopodium desertorum subspecies desertorum
- Species
- Chenopodium desertorum subspecies rectum
- Species
- Chenopodium melanocarpum
- Species
- Chenopodium species
- Species
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum
- Species
- Chthonocephalus pseudevax
- Species
- Codonocarpus cotinifolius
- Species
- Convolvulus erubescens
- Species
- Conyza species
- Species
- Crassula species
- Species
- Cryptandra amara
- Species
- Daucus glochidiatus
- Species
- Dissocarpus paradoxus
- Species
- Dodonaea viscosa
- Species
- Drosera glanduligera
- Species
- Duboisia hopwoodii
- Species
- Einadia nutans
- Species
- Einadia nutans subspecies nutans
- Species
- Enchylaena tomentosa
- Species
- Eremophila glabra
- Species
- Eremophila glabra subspecies murrayana
- Species
- Eremophila scoparia
- Species
- Eremophila species
- Species
- Eucalyptus costata
- Species
- Eucalyptus dumosa
- Species
- Eucalyptus gracilis
- Species
- Eucalyptus oleosa
- Species
- Eucalyptus socialis
- Species
- Eucalyptus species
- Species
- Euchiton sphaericus
- Species
- Eutaxia microphylla
- Species
- Exocarpos aphyllus
- Species
- Gnephosis tenuissima
- Species
- Grevillea huegelii
- Species
- Grevillea pterosperma
- Species
- Gypsophila australis
- Species
- Halgania cyanea
- Species
- Haloragis odontocarpa
- Species
- Isoetopsis graminifolia
- Species
- Lepidium phlebopetalum
- Species
- Lepidium species
- Species
- Logania nuda
- Species
- Lomandra leucocephala
- Species
- Lomandra species
- Species
- Maireana appressa
- Species
- Maireana erioclada
- Species
- Maireana georgei
- Species
- Maireana pentatropis
- Species
- Maireana species
- Species
- Menkea australis
- Species
- Muehlenbeckia diclina
- Species
- Myoporum platycarpum
- Species
- Nicotiana occidentalis subspecies obliqua
- Species
- Olearia muelleri
- Species
- Olearia pimeleoides
- Species
- Olearia rudis
- Species
- Olearia subspicata
- Species
- Olearia tenuifolia
- Species
- Panicum effusum
- Species
- Parsonsia eucalyptophylla
- Species
- Paspalidium constrictum
- Species
- Paspalidium gracile
- Species
- Picris species
- Species
- Pimelea species
- Species
- Pimelea trichostachya
- Species
- Podolepis capillaris
- Species
- Podotheca angustifolia
- Species
- Ptilotus exaltatus
- Species
- Ptilotus species
- Species
- Rhodanthe pygmaea
- Species
- Rhyncharrhena linearis
- Species
- Santalum acuminatum
- Species
- Scaevola parvifolia
- Species
- Scaevola spinescens
- Species
- Schismus barbatus
- Species
- Schoenus subaphyllus
- Species
- Scleranthus species
- Species
- Sclerolaena diacantha
- Species
- Sclerolaena parviflora
- Species
- Sclerolaena patenticuspis
- Species
- Senna artemisioides nothosubspecies coriaceae
- Species
- Senna artemisioides subspecies petiolaris
- Species
- Senna artemisioides subspecies zygophylla
- Species
- Senna species
- Species
- Solanum coactiliferum
- Species
- Solanum inaequilaterum
- Species
- Solanum species
- Species
- Sonchus asper
- Species
- Sonchus oleraceus
- Species
- Sonchus species
- Species
- Stenopetalum lineare
- Species
- Stenopetalum sphaerocarpum
- Species
- Tetragonia tetragonoides
- Species
- Thysanotus baueri
- Species
- Triglochin centrocarpa
- Species
- Triodia scariosa
- Species
- Unknown
- Species
- Velleia connata
- Species
- Vittadinia cervicularis
- Species
- Vittadinia cervicularis variety cervicularis
- Species
- Vittadinia cuneata
- Species
- Vittadinia cuneata variety cuneata
- Species
- Vittadinia dissecta
- Species
- Vittadinia dissecta variety hirta
- Species
- Vittadinia eremaea
- Species
- Vittadinia species
- Species
- Wahlenbergia species
- Species
- Wahlenbergia tumidifructa
- Species
- Waitzia acuminata
- Species
- Westringia rigida
- Species
- Westringia species
- Species
- Xerochrysum bracteatum
- Species
- Zygophyllum ammophilum
- Species
- Zygophyllum angustifolium
- Species
- Zygophyllum apiculatum
- Species
- Zygophyllum aurantiacum
- Species
- Zygophyllum eremaeum
- Species
- Zygophyllum species
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special conditions Prior to publication of research utilising this data, the data provider (David Keith) requests consultation.
- Data Table
- Name
- kmle_floristics_p102t305.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- site
- Definition
- Site identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
subplot- Name
- subplot
- Definition
- Subplot identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
census- Name
- census
- Definition
- Sequential census identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species_- Name
- species_
- Definition
- Scientific name code. "Absence" defined as species not observed during surveys within plot.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species_nam- Name
- species_nam
- Definition
- Scientific name. "Absence" defined as species not observed during surveys within plot.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
x_liveseedlings- Name
- x_liveseedlings
- Definition
- Count of living seedlings observed
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
x_liveestabplants- Name
- x_liveestabplants
- Definition
- Count of living established plants observed
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- kmle_floristics_p102t305.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.169.3
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- kmle_vegetation_structure_p102t316.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- sitelabel
- Definition
- Site identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
subplotlabel- Name
- subplotlabel
- Definition
- Subplot identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
censusn- Name
- censusn
- Definition
- Sequential census identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
elemlabel- Name
- elemlabel
- Definition
- Element label
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- EucCov
- cover of eucalypt stratum
- EucHtMax
- maximum height of eucalypt stratum
- EucHtMin
- minimum height of eucalypt stratum
- EucHtMode
- modal height of eucalypt stratum
- NonEucCov
- cover of non-eucalypt tree stratum
- NonEucHtMax
- Maximum height of non-eucalypt tree species (m)
- NonEucHtMin
- Minimum height of non-eucalypt tree species (m)
- NonEucHtMode
- Modal height of shrubs (m)
- HumCov
- Projective cover (%) of hummock grasses
- HumHt
- Height of randomly selected grass hummock (m) - 10 replicates
- TusCov
- Projective cover (%) of tussock grasses
- TusHtMax
- Maximum height of tussock grasses (m)
- TusHtMin
- Minimum height of tussock grasses (m)
- TusHtMode
- Modal height of tussock grasses (m)
- ForbCov
- Projective cover (%) of forbs
- ForbHtMax
- Maximum height of forbs (m)
- ForbHtMin
- Minimum height of forbs (m)
- ForbHtMode
- Modal height of forbs (m)
- LitCov
- Projective cover (%) of leaf litter and dead woody debris
- BareCov
- Projective cover (%) of bare ground
elemrep- Name
- elemrep
- Definition
- Element replicated (e.g.replicate measurements of Triodia height per subplot)
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
elemvalue- Name
- elemvalue
- Definition
- Estimate of cover (%) or height (m)
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- real
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- kmle_vegetation_structure_p102t316.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.190.1
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Additional Metadata Links
additionalLinksAdditional Metadata : additionalLinks
- Metadata
- additionalLinks
- url
- @name
- Mallee Plot Network
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [read] uid=keith,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] uid=tozer,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title