LTERN Data Portal
Desert Uplands Plot Network: Bird Count Data and Notes for Plot TIMA03, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2014
- Citation
Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Bird Count Data and Notes for Plot TIMA03, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2014. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern2.351.9
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Dr Daniel J. Metcalfe
- Position
- Senior Research Scientist
- Organization
- CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
- Individual
- Mr Eric Vanderduys
- Position
- Technical Officer
- Organization
- Abstract
The Desert Uplands Plot Network Bird Count Data contains bird fauna data for 1 of 50 permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot TIMA03. The CSIRO permanent plots are situated in Tropical Ironbark Woodlands, and extend across four leasehold cattle properties that lie within an area approximately 50km by 50km. The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. Within each 1 ha site, eight five-minute diurnal bird counts are conducted over a four day period. Two counts are completed per day at each site: one count in the morning within three hours of sunrise and the other a minimum of three hours after this period and before sunset. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014. Note that previous studies were undertaken at 60 permanent 1 hectare plots and that this data is accessible as a composite data package: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2015): Desert Uplands Plot Network, Bird Count Data and Notes, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2014. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The spatial coordinates for this plot are provided in the following data publication: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2014): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Plot Details - Spatial Coordinates, Northern Queensland, Australia. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The Desert Uplands research plots commenced in 2004, and have been revisited in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013 and 2014. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Uplands Plot Network’s full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Mr Eric Vanderduys
- Position
- Technical Officer
- Organization
- Address
CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
Australian Tropical Sciences Innovation Precinct, PMB PO
Aitkenvale. Queensland 4814
- Phone
- voice
- 07 4753 8529
- Email Address
- Individual
- Dr Daniel J. Metcalfe
- Position
- Senior Research Scientist
- Organization
- CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
- Address
EcoSciences Precinct
41 Boggo Road
Dutton Park. Queensland 4102
- Phone
- voice
- 07 3833 5529,
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Desert Uplands Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Data Owner
- Organization
- Role
- Interim Research Group Leader & Research Scientist
- Individual
- Dr Chris Pavey
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- CSIRO Land and Water Flagship
- Role
- Technical Officer
- Individual
- Mr Eric Vanderduys
- Position
- Technical Officer
- Organization
- Funding
Since 2012 this project has been part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot set-up
The Desert Uplands Plot Network Bird Count Data contains bird fauna data for 1 of 50 permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia (note that previous studies were undertaken at 60 permanent 1 hectare plots). The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. Cleared sites had been chain-cleared and sown with buffel grass between 1995 and 1999.
The sites are spread across four properties. The total number of sites within each category are as follows: a) cleared vegetation (n = 10 ), b) thinned vegetation (n = 10) and c) unmodified vegetation (n = 40).
As of September 2014 four of the previously cleared sites, which contained regrowth vegetation, have been re-cleared.
- Instrument
- 10 X 42 Binoculars
Method Step 2- Description
Bird Count Surveys
Each of the Desert Uplands bird monitoring plots is 1 ha in size, and located at least 1 km from any other site, 500 m from any water point, and 50 m from the nearest access track. Plots are stratified according to vegetation management history: 1. Cleared (vegetation has been pulled, removing all trees and shrubs); 2. Thinned (sub-canopy vegetation has been largely removed by the use of a mechanical device called a "crocodile", which is towed behind a tractor and removes vegetation such as Currant Bush, Carissa species, which is normally prevalent in the woodlands); and 3. Unmodified woodlands. Within each 1 ha site, eight timed diurnal bird counts are conducted over a four day period. Each count is of 5 minutes duration. Two counts are completed per day at each site: one count in the morning within three hours of sunrise and the other a minimum of three hours after this period and before sunset. Each count is completed by a single observer walking through the 1 ha plot. A predefined path is not followed; however, the observer attempts to cover all of the 1 ha plot area. Birds are located and identified and, where possible counted, by both sound and sight.
- Instrument
- 10 X 42 Binoculars
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
These plots have been visited five times so far – June 2004, May 2005, August 2006, July 2008, June-July 2013 and in October 2014. 10 sites have been visited four times - June 2004, May 2005, August 2006 and July 2008. These 10 sites will not be visited again as part of this project.
- Sampling Description
The specific location of the 1ha survey sites were selected on the basis that they were situated in large contiguous areas that were considered typical or characteristic of the respective vegetation management strategy. Within each property, sites are generally a minimum of 1km apart but may be within 500m of one another in some cases. At the property scale, sites are spread across a 10-15 km radius on each property. Sites are located a minimum of 500m from any water point, commonly 50-100m from the nearest access track and that the demarcation used for site selection within the “Unmodified vegetation management” class (30-45% vs. 45-60% canopy cover), was made using crown canopy mapping based on 1996 1:250 000 aerial photography. Sites are broadly situated within the same broad Ironbark woodland community (Eucalyptus whitei, E. melanophloia). Two Queensland land zones are mapped across the four properties with sandy plains and alluvial systems each represented by two properties. One of the leaseholders (with five thinned and five unmodified sites), withdrew from the study following the July 2008 survey leaving 50 sites distributed across three leasehold properties remaining in the study.
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- 0501
- 0602
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Birds
- Grazing domestic livestock
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- Northern Queensland, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 144.688969 degrees
- East
- 145.191784 degrees
- North
- -20.762424 degrees
- South
- -21.235266 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date Begin
- 2014-09-24
- Date End
- 2014-10-02
- Taxonomic Coverage and Classification
- Classification
- Species
- Acanthagenys rufogularis
- Species
- Acanthiza apicalis
- Species
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
- Species
- Accipiter cirrhocephalus
- Species
- Accipiter fasciatus
- Species
- Aprosmictus erythropterus
- Species
- Aquila audax
- Species
- Ardeotis australis
- Species
- Artamus cinereus
- Species
- Artamus minor
- Species
- Artamus personatus
- Species
- Cacatua galerita
- Species
- Cacomantis pallidus
- Species
- Cacomantis variolosus
- Species
- Calyptorhynchus banksii
- Species
- Centropus phasianinus
- Species
- Chrysococcyx basalis
- Species
- Chrysococcyx lucidus
- Species
- Cincloramphus mathewsi
- Species
- Climacteris picumnus
- Species
- Colluricincla harmonica
- Species
- Conopophila rufogularis
- Species
- Coracina maxima
- Species
- Coracina novaehollandiae
- Species
- Coracina papuensis
- Species
- Corvus coronoides
- Species
- Corvus orru
- Species
- Corvus species
- Species
- Cracticus nigrogularis
- Species
- Cracticus tibicen
- Species
- Cracticus torquatus
- Species
- Dacelo leachii
- Species
- Dacelo novaeguineae
- Species
- Daphoenositta chrysoptera
- Species
- Dicaeum hirundinaceum
- Species
- Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Species
- Entomyzon cyanotis
- Species
- Eolophus roseicapillus
- Species
- Eurystomus orientalis
- Species
- Falco berigora
- Species
- Falco cenchroides
- Species
- Geopelia cuneata
- Species
- Geopelia humeralis
- Species
- Geopelia striata
- Species
- Geophaps scripta
- Species
- Gerygone albogularis
- Species
- Gerygone fusca
- Species
- Grallina cyanoleuca
- Species
- Haliastur sphenurus
- Species
- Hieraaetus morphnoides
- Species
- Lalage sueurii
- Species
- Lichenostomus plumulus
- Species
- Lichenostomus virescens
- Species
- Malurus lamberti
- Species
- Malurus melanocephalus
- Species
- Malurus species
- Species
- Manorina flavigula
- Species
- Melanodryas cucullata
- Species
- Melithreptus albogularis
- Species
- Melopsittacus undulatus
- Species
- Merops ornatus
- Species
- Microeca fascinans
- Species
- Myiagra rubecula
- Species
- Neochmia modesta
- Species
- Nymphicus hollandicus
- Species
- Ocyphaps lophotes
- Species
- Oreoica gutturalis
- Species
- Oriolus sagittatus
- Species
- Pachycephala rufiventris
- Species
- Pardalotus rubricatus
- Species
- Pardalotus striatus
- Species
- Phaps chalcoptera
- Species
- Philemon citreogularis
- Species
- Philemon corniculatus
- Species
- Platycercus adscitus
- Species
- Plectorhyncha lanceolata
- Species
- Pomatostomus temporalis
- Species
- Ptilonorhynchus maculatus
- Species
- Rhipidura albiscapa
- Species
- Rhipidura leucophrys
- Species
- Scythrops novaehollandiae
- Species
- Smicrornis brevirostris
- Species
- Struthidea cinerea
- Species
- Taeniopygia bichenovii
- Species
- Taeniopygia guttata
- Species
- Threskiornis spinicollis
- Species
- Todiramphus macleayii
- Species
- Todiramphus pyrrhopygius
- Species
- Todiramphus sanctus
- Species
- Trichoglossus haematodus
- Species
- unspecified
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special Conditions: None
- Data Table
- Name
- mdup_bird_survey_data_2014_p239t616_TIMA03.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- fauna_id
- Definition
- Unique record ID to which any other unique record information should be linked
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
source_id- Name
- source_id
- Definition
- Internal CSIRO project identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
geo_id- Name
- geo_id
- Definition
- Unique identification number representing geographic location of the site
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
survey_no- Name
- survey_no
- Definition
- The survey number for the entire plot network
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
quadrat_inc- Name
- quadrat_inc
- Definition
- Plot identification number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
sppcode- Name
- sppcode
- Definition
- Unique 8 letter code for each species (internal CSIRO system)
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
common_name_short- Name
- common_name_short
- Definition
- Common name
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
sciname_short- Name
- sciname_short
- Definition
- Scientific name
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
abund- Name
- abund
- Definition
- Abundance score. Number observed during a standardised count. Zeros (0) in a column means the animal was recorded near the site, within the same habitat type, but not within the monitoring hectare. Ranges from 0 to infinity, but in practice, highest number is a few hundred.
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
type- Name
- type
- Definition
- The type of observation. i.e. whether the animal was seen or heard as the first detection method. Missing values = data not recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- HE
- Heard
- SE
- Seen
day_count- Name
- day_count
- Definition
- The sequential count number from 1 to 8 denoting count number.
- Measurement Type
- interval
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- dimensionless
- Number Type
- whole
strata_id- Name
- strata_id
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. T1 = tree layer 1 T2 = tree layer 2 T3 = tree layer 3 AE = aerial GR = ground SH = shrub Missing values = value not recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
dist_id- Name
- dist_id
- Definition
- Distance from observer when first observed. Missing values = value not recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- < 10 m
- 1
- 0-25 m
- 2
- 25-50 m
- 3
- > 50 m
mixf_no- Name
- mixf_no
- Definition
- The presence of a mixed species feeding flock
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
voucher_csiro- Name
- voucher_csiro
- Definition
- Voucher specimen identification number (no bird voucher specimens collected)
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
specimen_no- Name
- specimen_no
- Definition
- Voucher specimen identification reference (no bird voucher specimens collected)
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
day- Name
- day
- Definition
- Date (day) of the month i.e 26th etc.
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
- DD
month- Name
- month
- Definition
- Month of the year
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
- MM
year- Name
- year
- Definition
- Year of study
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
vetting- Name
- vetting
- Definition
- Observer code. The initial of the person vetting the records.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
strata_ae- Name
- strata_ae
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. AE = aerial (recorded for birds that are flying, not just from one branch to the next, but in decent flight). Missing values = value not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
strata_t1- Name
- strata_t1
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. T1 = tree layer 1 (upper most canopy layer). Missing values = value not recorded
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
strata_t2- Name
- strata_t2
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. T2 = tree layer 2 (the next tallest trees below T1, if they’re present). Missing values = value not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
strata_t3- Name
- strata_t3
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. T3 = tree layer 3 (the next tallest trees below T2, if they’re present). Missing values = value not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
strata_sh- Name
- strata_sh
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. SH = shrub layer. Missing values = value not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
strata_gr- Name
- strata_gr
- Definition
- The stratum in the vegetation where the bird is located. GR = ground layer. Missing values = value not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
notes- Name
- notes
- Definition
- Notes
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- mdup_bird_survey_data_2014_p239t616_TIMA03.csv
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Number of Footer Lines
- 0
- Record Delimiter
- \r\n
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern2.352.1
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] uid=pavey,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] uid=metcalfe,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] uid=vanderduys,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Additional Metadata Links
additionalLinksAdditional Metadata : additionalLinks
- Metadata
- additionalLinks
- url
- @name
- Desert Uplands Plot Network homepage
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [read] uid=pavey,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] uid=metcalfe,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] uid=vanderduys,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title