LTERN Data Portal
Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network: Plot-based Fire Severity Monitoring, Northern Territory, Australia, 1994+
- Citation
Russell-Smith, J; Director of National Parks (Parks Australia); Darwin Centre for Bushfires Research, Charles Darwin University; Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory (): Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network: Plot-based Fire Severity Monitoring, Northern Territory, Australia, 1994+. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern6.48.23
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Professor Jeremy Russell-Smith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Charles Darwin University
- Organization
- Director of National Parks (Parks Australia)
- Organization
- Darwin Centre for Bushfires Research, Charles Darwin University
- Organization
- Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
- Abstract
This data package comprises fire severity scores from Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk from 1994 onwards. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots (40 m x 20 m) were established across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk National Parks) in 1994-1995 to monitor biotic change. Of these, 133 plots are located in Kakadu, 41 plots are located in Litchfield and 46 plots are located in Nitmuluk. These sample a variety of landform and vegetation type/habitat conditions. A substantial proportion of plots were positioned deliberately at sites likely to reveal environmental dynamics, especially at ecotones and in patches of fire-sensitive vegetation (for example, stands of Callitris and sandstone heaths). In addition, many plots are located at, or in the near vicinity of, intensively managed sites such as camp-grounds and other tourist destinations. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network's full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Professor Jeremy Russell-Smith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Charles Darwin University
- Address
Darwin. NT 0909
- Phone
- voice
- 08 8988 6215
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Data Owner
- Individual
- Professor Jeremy Russell-Smith
- Position
- Plot Leader
- Organization
- Charles Darwin University
- Role
- Plot Network Leader (fauna)
- Individual
- Dr Graeme Gillespie
- Position
- Director of terrestrial ecosystems
- Organization
- Department of Land Resource Management Northern Territory Government
- Funding
Since 2012 this project has been part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government's Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( - an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund - Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education. This project has also received funding through Parks Australia, NT Parks & Wildlife Service, Tropical Savannas CRC, and Darwin Centre for Bushfires Research (Charles Darwin University).
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot set-up
The overall plot sizes are 40 x 20 metres. Each plot is permanently located by a central metal star picket and GPS waypoint. Plots relocated by helicopter have a round large white lid on top to assist sighting the plot from air.
A permanent photo picket with number plate is placed 10 metre inside the plot parallel with the plot sides.
The corners and inner transects are marked by metal droppers.
The inner 40 x 10 metre plot is delineated with measuring tapes. Two 50 metre tapes are laid out 5 metre either side of central photo picket, parallel to the longer central axis, starting at zero on the left hand side heading to the back of the plot, and again at zero on the right hand side heading to the top of the plot.
NB: Some plots are not strictly 40 metres long due to plot landscape constraints.
- Instrument
- Metal star pickets
- 50 metre measuring tapes
Method Step 2- Description
Record of fire occurrence
Fire occurrence is recorded based on on-ground plot visits, and from aerial ground-truthing assessments of each park's satellite-based fire mapping programme.
An assessment is made as to whether the plot was unburnt, patchily burnt (ground cover at least 20% unburnt), or burnt, in three seasonal periods as follows: Wet season (w) - from onset of rains (typically November) until their cessation (typically March - April); Early dry season (e) - from end of wet season until end of July; Late dry season (l) - from August until start of rains.
Method Step 3- Description
Ground-based photos
Photos are supposed to be taken biannually, post wet season and late dry season. Often parks staff only manage one photo per year.
These images are not stored as part of this data package due to their size, but can be provided on request from Dr Russell-Smith.
- Instrument
- Digital camera
Method Step 4- Description
Fire severity score
Fire severity is scored for each recorded fire event from plot photos.
Plot photos are scored by a member of the research team and fire managers from the park.
Two seasonal photos per plot in any 1 year are not always available. However, in nearly all instances it is possible to confidently attribute fires to (1) season, given recourse to comprehensive plot records; and (2) severity class, by close examination of differences between foliage condition and vegetation structure in photo temporal sequences.
Note: This method may not detect all fires of very low severity or high patchiness occurring especially in wet or early dry season periods given rapid post-fire regrowth under high soil moisture conditions.
Fire severity is recorded using one or more the following categories:
• 1 = Low
• 2 = Moderate
• 3 = High
• P = Patchily burnt
• U = Unburnt
• B = Burnt. Photo records missing.
• W = Burn that occurred in the wet season
If no assessment is done the fire severity is recorded as NA.
- Instrument
- Russell-Smith J, Edwards AC (2006) Seasonality and fire severity in savanna landscapes of monsoonal northern Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire 15, 541–550.
- Williams RJ, Gill AM, Moore PHR (2003) Fire behaviour. In ‘Fire in tropical savannas: the Kapalga experiment’. (Eds AN Andersen, GD Cook, RJ Williams) pp. 33–46. (Springer-Verlag: New York).
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
133 plots are located in Kakadu, 41 plots are located in Litchfield and 46 plots are located in Nitmuluk. Plots are located across the parks in a variety of habitats from lowland woodlands to rocky hillsides and ‘table top’ plateau. Occasional data is missing from years due to constraints in accessing sites.
- Sampling Description
The 220 plots across the three National Parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) were established in 1995 in collaboration with the Park rangers to answers questions relating to fire management and park resources.
- Associated Parties
- Role
- Land managers
- Organization
- Director of National Parks (Parks Australia)
- Role
- Land managers
- Organization
- Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- Keywords
- Fire
- National Parks
- Savanna
- Kakadu
- Litchfield
- Nitmiluk
- Vegetation
- Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecological Dynamics > Fire Ecology
- Earth Science > Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Prescribed Burns
- Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation
- Earth Science > Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Savannas
- 0501
- 0502
- 0602
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Vegetation structure
- Fire
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 131.88766 degrees
- East
- 133.00257 degrees
- North
- -12.11059 degrees
- South
- -13.94659 degrees
- Geographic Description
- Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 130.684447 degrees
- East
- 130.9701 degrees
- North
- -13.038 degrees
- South
- -13.525891 degrees
- Geographic Description
- Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 132.16505 degrees
- East
- 132.74043 degrees
- North
- -13.81268 degrees
- South
- -14.39819 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date Begin
- 1994
- Date End
- 2016
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special Conditions Prior to publication of research utilising this data - the data provider (Jeremy Russell-Smith) must be consulted and provide consent. Spatial coordinates for plots are available at (Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network: Plot Details - Spatial Coordinates, Northern Territory, Australia).
- Data Table
- Name
- tpsk_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1045.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
w1994- Name
- w1994
- Definition
- Wet season 1994 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1995- Name
- e1995
- Definition
- Early season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1995- Name
- l1995
- Definition
- Late season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w1995- Name
- w1995
- Definition
- Wet season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1996- Name
- e1996
- Definition
- Early season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1996- Name
- l1996
- Definition
- Late season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w1996- Name
- w1996
- Definition
- Wet season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1997- Name
- e1997
- Definition
- Early season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1997- Name
- l1997
- Definition
- Late season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w1997- Name
- w1997
- Definition
- Wet season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1998- Name
- e1998
- Definition
- Early season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1998- Name
- l1998
- Definition
- Late season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w1998- Name
- w1998
- Definition
- Wet season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1999- Name
- e1999
- Definition
- Early season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1999- Name
- l1999
- Definition
- Late season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w1999- Name
- w1999
- Definition
- Wet season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2000- Name
- e2000
- Definition
- Early season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2000- Name
- l2000
- Definition
- Late season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2000- Name
- w2000
- Definition
- Wet season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2001- Name
- e2001
- Definition
- Early season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2001- Name
- l2001
- Definition
- Late season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2001- Name
- w2001
- Definition
- Wet season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2002- Name
- e2002
- Definition
- Early season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2002- Name
- l2002
- Definition
- Late season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2002- Name
- w2002
- Definition
- Wet season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2003- Name
- e2003
- Definition
- Early season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2003- Name
- l2003
- Definition
- Late season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2003- Name
- w2003
- Definition
- Wet season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2004- Name
- e2004
- Definition
- Early season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2004- Name
- l2004
- Definition
- Late season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2004- Name
- w2004
- Definition
- Wet season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2005- Name
- e2005
- Definition
- Early season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2005- Name
- l2005
- Definition
- Late season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2005- Name
- w2005
- Definition
- Wet season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2006- Name
- e2006
- Definition
- Early season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2006- Name
- l2006
- Definition
- Late season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2006- Name
- w2006
- Definition
- Wet season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2007- Name
- e2007
- Definition
- Early season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2007- Name
- l2007
- Definition
- Late season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2007- Name
- w2007
- Definition
- Wet season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2008- Name
- e2008
- Definition
- Early season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2008- Name
- l2008
- Definition
- Late season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2008- Name
- w2008
- Definition
- Wet season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2009- Name
- e2009
- Definition
- Early season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2009- Name
- l2009
- Definition
- Late season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2009- Name
- w2009
- Definition
- Wet season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2010- Name
- e2010
- Definition
- Early season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2010- Name
- l2010
- Definition
- Late season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2010- Name
- w2010
- Definition
- Wet season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2011- Name
- e2011
- Definition
- Early season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2011- Name
- l2011
- Definition
- Late season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2011- Name
- w2011
- Definition
- Wet season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2012- Name
- e2012
- Definition
- Early season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2012- Name
- l2012
- Definition
- Late season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2012- Name
- w2012
- Definition
- Wet season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2013- Name
- e2013
- Definition
- Early season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2013- Name
- l2013
- Definition
- Late season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2013- Name
- w2013
- Definition
- Wet season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2014- Name
- e2014
- Definition
- Early season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2014- Name
- l2014
- Definition
- Late season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
w2014- Name
- w2014
- Definition
- Wet season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2015- Name
- e2015
- Definition
- Early season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2015- Name
- l2015
- Definition
- Late season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2016- Name
- e2016
- Definition
- Early season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2016- Name
- l2016
- Definition
- Late season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 133
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsk_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1045.csv
- Size
- 36886 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.36.6
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- tpsl_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1046.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
e1995- Name
- e1995
- Definition
- Early season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1995- Name
- l1995
- Definition
- Late season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1996- Name
- e1996
- Definition
- Early season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1996- Name
- l1996
- Definition
- Late season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1997- Name
- e1997
- Definition
- Early season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1997- Name
- l1997
- Definition
- Late season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1998- Name
- e1998
- Definition
- Early season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1998- Name
- l1998
- Definition
- Late season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1999- Name
- e1999
- Definition
- Early season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1999- Name
- l1999
- Definition
- Late season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2000- Name
- e2000
- Definition
- Early season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2000- Name
- l2000
- Definition
- Late season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2001- Name
- e2001
- Definition
- Early season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2001- Name
- l2001
- Definition
- Late season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2002- Name
- e2002
- Definition
- Early season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2002- Name
- l2002
- Definition
- Late season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2003- Name
- e2003
- Definition
- Early season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2003- Name
- l2003
- Definition
- Late season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2004- Name
- e2004
- Definition
- Early season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2004- Name
- l2004
- Definition
- Late season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2005- Name
- e2005
- Definition
- Early season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2005- Name
- l2005
- Definition
- Late season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2006- Name
- e2006
- Definition
- Early season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2006- Name
- l2006
- Definition
- Late season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2007- Name
- e2007
- Definition
- Early season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2007- Name
- l2007
- Definition
- Late season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2008- Name
- e2008
- Definition
- Early season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2008- Name
- l2008
- Definition
- Late season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2009- Name
- e2009
- Definition
- Early season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2009- Name
- l2009
- Definition
- Late season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2010- Name
- e2010
- Definition
- Early season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2010- Name
- l2010
- Definition
- Late season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2011- Name
- e2011
- Definition
- Early season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2011- Name
- l2011
- Definition
- Late season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2012- Name
- e2012
- Definition
- Early season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2012- Name
- l2012
- Definition
- Late season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2013- Name
- e2013
- Definition
- Early season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2013- Name
- l2013
- Definition
- Late season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2014- Name
- e2014
- Definition
- Early season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2014- Name
- l2014
- Definition
- Late season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2015- Name
- e2015
- Definition
- Early season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2015- Name
- l2015
- Definition
- Late season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2016- Name
- e2016
- Definition
- Early season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2016- Name
- l2016
- Definition
- Late season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 42
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsl_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1046.csv
- Size
- 8113 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.37.7
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- tpsn_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1047.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
e1995- Name
- e1995
- Definition
- Early season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1995- Name
- l1995
- Definition
- Late season 1995 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1996- Name
- e1996
- Definition
- Early season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1996- Name
- l1996
- Definition
- Late season 1996 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1997- Name
- e1997
- Definition
- Early season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1997- Name
- l1997
- Definition
- Late season 1997 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1998- Name
- e1998
- Definition
- Early season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1998- Name
- l1998
- Definition
- Late season 1998 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e1999- Name
- e1999
- Definition
- Early season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l1999- Name
- l1999
- Definition
- Late season 1999 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2000- Name
- e2000
- Definition
- Early season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2000- Name
- l2000
- Definition
- Late season 2000 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2001- Name
- e2001
- Definition
- Early season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2001- Name
- l2001
- Definition
- Late season 2001 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2002- Name
- e2002
- Definition
- Early season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2002- Name
- l2002
- Definition
- Late season 2002 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2003- Name
- e2003
- Definition
- Early season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2003- Name
- l2003
- Definition
- Late season 2003 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2004- Name
- e2004
- Definition
- Early season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2004- Name
- l2004
- Definition
- Late season 2004 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2005- Name
- e2005
- Definition
- Early season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2005- Name
- l2005
- Definition
- Late season 2005 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2006- Name
- e2006
- Definition
- Early season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2006- Name
- l2006
- Definition
- Late season 2006 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2007- Name
- e2007
- Definition
- Early season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2007- Name
- l2007
- Definition
- Late season 2007 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2008- Name
- e2008
- Definition
- Early season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2008- Name
- l2008
- Definition
- Late season 2008 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2009- Name
- e2009
- Definition
- Early season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2009- Name
- l2009
- Definition
- Late season 2009 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2010- Name
- e2010
- Definition
- Early season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2010- Name
- l2010
- Definition
- Late season 2010 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2011- Name
- e2011
- Definition
- Early season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2011- Name
- l2011
- Definition
- Late season 2011 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2012- Name
- e2012
- Definition
- Early season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2012- Name
- l2012
- Definition
- Late season 2012 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2013- Name
- e2013
- Definition
- Early season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2013- Name
- l2013
- Definition
- Late season 2013 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2014- Name
- e2014
- Definition
- Early season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2014- Name
- l2014
- Definition
- Late season 2014 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2015- Name
- e2015
- Definition
- Early season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2015- Name
- l2015
- Definition
- Late season 2015 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
e2016- Name
- e2016
- Definition
- Early season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
l2016- Name
- l2016
- Definition
- Late season 2016 fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 47
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsn_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_wide_format_p830t1047.csv
- Size
- 9135 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.38.5
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- tpsk_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1048.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
year- Name
- year
- Definition
- Year of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
season- Name
- season
- Definition
- Season
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- Wet season
- Early dry season
- Late dry season
fire_severity_score- Name
- fire_severity_score
- Definition
- Fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 8581
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsk_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1048.csv
- Size
- 274664 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.39.3
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- tpsl_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1049.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
year- Name
- year
- Definition
- Year of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
season- Name
- season
- Definition
- Season
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- Early dry season
- Late dry season
fire_severity_score- Name
- fire_severity_score
- Definition
- Fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 1805
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsl_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1049.csv
- Size
- 55933 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.40.5
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- tpsn_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1050.csv
- Attribute Information
- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Plot identifier
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
year- Name
- year
- Definition
- Year of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
season- Name
- season
- Definition
- Season
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- Early dry season
- Late dry season
fire_severity_score- Name
- fire_severity_score
- Definition
- Fire severity score
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- Low severity burn. Leaf scorch height less than or equal to 2 m and/or patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt). Fire line intensity <<1000
- 2
- Moderate severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m scorched to mid-canopy only. Fire line intensity <1000-2000
- 3
- High severity burn. Leaf scorch height greater than 2 m, canopy scorched. Fire line intensity <1000-10000+
- P
- Patchily burnt (where patchy is defined as at least 20% of plot unburnt).
- U
- Unburnt. Photo records missing.
- B
- Burnt. Photo records missing. Unable to score severity.
- W
- Burn that occurred in the wet season
- NA
- Not assessed
- Number Of Records
- 2025
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- tpsn_plot_based_fire_severity_monitoring_1994-2016_long_format_p830t1050.csv
- Size
- 62825 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern6.41.3
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=allusers,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_3parks_savanna,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title