LTERN Data Portal
Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia, 2004-2011
- Citation
Lindenmayer, D (): Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia, 2004-2011. Long Term Ecological Research Network.
- Identifier
- docid
- ltern7.65.15
- Data Creators
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal Investigator
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Abstract
The Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network Bird Point Count Data contains transect-based bird fauna data collected annually at a subset of 81 of the 175 permanent 3 hectare plots studied by the plot network in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia. Birds are counted using repeated time-controlled (5 minute) point interval counts conducted at 0 m, 50 m and 100 m along a permanent 100 m long transect, ordinarily over November/December and usually on an annual basis (note there was no data collection in 2006, 2008, or 2015, for example). Observations are made by two different observers on two separate mornings. This is part of a much larger dataset that began in 1983, when the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network research plots commenced (but the research methods changed in 2004, which is the start year for this time series). A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
- Contacts for Questions on the Use and Interpretation of Data
- Individual
- Mr Lachlan McBurney
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 2601
- Phone
- voice
- +61 401 124 929
- Email Address
- Individual
- Mr David Blair
- Position
- Plot network contact
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 2601
- Phone
- voice
- +61 3 5962 4043, +61 439 660 996
- Email Address
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal Investigator
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Frank Fenner Building (Building 141), Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Canberra. ACT 2601
- Phone
- voice
- +61 2 6125 0654
- Email Address
- Project Information and Data Owners
- Title
- Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network
- Personnel
- Role
- Data Owner
- Individual
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Position
- Principal Investigator
- Organization
- Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University
- Funding
Since 2012 this project has been part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education. Other funding agencies supporting this research project for various periods include: Parks Victoria (2004-2019); Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (2004-2005); Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (2006-2011); Thomas Foundation (2009); Australian Research Council Discovery Program DP1097170 (2010-2015); and National Environmental Research Program, Environmental Decisions Hub (2011-2014).
- Methods and Sampling Information
- Methods
Method Step 1
- Description
Plot setup
Bird fauna data was collected at a subset of 81 of the 175 permanent 3 hectare plots studied by the plot network.
Method Step 2- Description
Bird Point Count Surveys
Birds are counted using repeated time-controlled (5min) point interval counts conducted at 0 m, 50 m and 100 m along a permanent 100 m long transect. Bird surveys are conducted annually in November/December. A subset of 81 sites is surveyed each year. The sites are surveyed by two different observers on two separate mornings. Starting at dawn, and working through until 10am–11am depending on the temperature (on hotter days the birds stop calling earlier). Each site has 3 x (five minute) counts of all the birds seen and heard during the five minute period. Species type, abundance and distance away are recorded as well as time and weather variables.
- Instrument
- Binoculars
Method Step 3- Description
Field proformas were used.
- Sampling
- Study Extent Description
Each site is 3 hectares, with monitoring occurring only on the central hectare which is usually square, measuring 100 x 100 m or occasionally sites measuring 200 x 50 m where they interface gullies.
- Sampling Description
Each long term monitoring site is 3 hectares.
- Associated Parties
- Role
- Land manager
- Organization
- Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP)
- Web Address
- Role
- Land manager
- Organization
- Melbourne Water
- Web Address
- Keywords and Subject Categories
- Keywords
- Avifauna
- Birds
- LTERN Monitoring Themes
- Birds
- 0501
- 0602
- Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Birds
- Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia
- Bounding Coordinates
- West
- 145.477922 degrees
- East
- 146.195374 degrees
- North
- -37.342523 degrees
- South
- -37.919069 degrees
- Temporal Coverage
- Date Begin
- 2004-11-30
- Date End
- 2012-01-01
- Taxonomic Coverage and Classification
- Classification
- Species
- Acanthiza lineata
- Species
- Acanthiza pusilla
- Species
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
- Species
- Accipiter fasciatus
- Species
- Alisterus scapularis
- Species
- Anthochaera carunculata
- Species
- Aquila audax
- Species
- Ardea pacifica
- Species
- Artamus cyanopterus
- Species
- Artamus superciliosus
- Species
- Cacatua galerita
- Species
- Cacomantis flabelliformis
- Species
- Cacomantis variolosus
- Species
- Caligavis chrysops
- Species
- Callocephalon fimbriatum
- Species
- Calyptorhynchus funereus
- Species
- Chrysococcyx basalis
- Species
- Chrysococcyx lucidus
- Species
- Cisticola exilis
- Species
- Climacteris erythrops
- Species
- Climacteris picumnus
- Species
- Colluricincla harmonica
- Species
- Coracina novaehollandiae
- Species
- Coracina tenuirostris
- Species
- Cormobates leucophaea
- Species
- Corvus coronoides
- Species
- Cracticus nigrogularis
- Species
- Cracticus tibicen
- Species
- Cracticus torquatus
- Species
- Dacelo novaeguineae
- Species
- Dicaeum hirundinaceum
- Species
- Eopsaltria australis
- Species
- Epthianura tricolor
- Species
- Eurostopodus mystacalis
- Species
- Falcunculus frontatus
- Species
- Glossopsitta concinna
- Species
- Grallina cyanoleuca
- Species
- Hirundapus caudacutus
- Species
- Hirundo neoxena
- Species
- Leucosarcia picata
- Species
- Lichenostomus melanops
- Species
- Malurus cyaneus
- Species
- Meliphaga lewinii
- Species
- Melithreptus brevirostris
- Species
- Melithreptus lunatus
- Species
- Menura novaehollandiae
- Species
- Myiagra cyanoleuca
- Species
- Myiagra rubecula
- Species
- Myzomela sanguinolenta
- Species
- Neochmia temporalis
- Species
- Nesoptilotis leucotis
- Species
- Oriolus sagittatus
- Species
- Pachycephala olivacea
- Species
- Pachycephala pectoralis
- Species
- Pachycephala rufiventris
- Species
- Pardalotus punctatus
- Species
- Pardalotus striatus
- Species
- Petrochelidon ariel
- Species
- Petrochelidon nigricans
- Species
- Petroica boodang
- Species
- Petroica goodenovii
- Species
- Petroica phoenicea
- Species
- Petroica rodinogaster
- Species
- Petroica rosea
- Species
- Phalacrocorax varius
- Species
- Phaps chalcoptera
- Species
- Phaps elegans
- Species
- Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera
- Species
- Platycercus elegans
- Species
- Platycercus eximius
- Species
- Psophodes olivaceus
- Species
- Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
- Species
- Pycnoptilus floccosus
- Species
- Rhipidura albiscapa
- Species
- Rhipidura rufifrons
- Species
- Sericornis frontalis
- Species
- Sericornis magnirostra
- Species
- Strepera graculina
- Species
- Strepera versicolor
- Species
- Todiramphus sanctus
- Species
- Turdus merula
- Species
- Zoothera lunulata
- Species
- Zosterops lateralis
- Intellectual Rights, Licence and Usage Conditions
CC-BY-4_0 Special Conditions Co-authorship with the data provider (Professor David Lindenmayer) of any publication of research utilising this data is an expected outcome. The data provider requests consultation, including a summary of the proposed research and intended use before publication of research utilising this data is possible. Please note that data collected prior to 2012 is available via mediated access only.
- Data Table
- Name
- lvic_bird_site_information_2004-2011_p14t1103.csv
- Description
- Site Information for Bird Point Count Survey Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, 2004-2011
- Attribute Information
- Name
- bird_visit_id
- Definition
- Automatically generated database sequence number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
visit_code- Name
- visit_code
- Definition
- Visit code, which is a combination of year-site code-plot number-repeat number; note this column links site information to the corresponding bird point count data
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
survey_year- Name
- survey_year
- Definition
- Year of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
survey_date- Name
- survey_date
- Definition
- Date of survey
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
site_code- Name
- site_code
- Definition
- Site code is a number that uniquely identifies the observation site; the number relates to a site code marked in the field and on a GIS
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
plot_number- Name
- plot_number
- Definition
- Plot number on the transect
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- 0m point (actually a distance of 10m–20m along the transect)
- 2
- 50m point (a distance of 50m–60m along the transect)
- 3
- 100m point (a distance of 90m–100m along the transect)
repeat_number- Name
- repeat_number
- Definition
- Survey replicates in a given year, usually only 1 or 2 (since each site is repeated by two observers) but occasionally 3 (if observations are doubled-up)
- Measurement Type
- interval
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- natural
start_time- Name
- start_time
- Definition
- Start time of survey, if recorded; value of NA means not measured
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
- hh:mm
finish_time- Name
- finish_time
- Definition
- Finish time of survey, if recorded; value of NA means not measured. By definition, the finish time is 5 minutes after the start time, so usually the finish time is not recorded.
- Measurement Type
- dateTime
- Measurement Domain
- Format
- hh:mm
temperature- Name
- temperature
- Definition
- “Temperature” from look-up list (subjective measure); if the value is NA then it means the variable was not measured
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 1
- cold
- 2
- cool
- 3
- mild
- 4
- warm
- NA
- not measured
wind- Name
- wind
- Definition
- “Wind” from look-up list (subjective measure); if the value is NA then it means the variable was not measured
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- no wind
- 1
- calm
- 2
- light
- 3
- moderate
- 4
- windy
- NA
- not measured
precipitation- Name
- precipitation
- Definition
- “Precipitation” from look-up list (subjective measure); if the value is NA then it means the variable was not measured
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- no rain
- 1
- mist
- 2
- light
- 3
- moderate
- 4
- heavy
- NA
- not measured
cloud- Name
- cloud
- Definition
- “Cloud” from look-up list (subjective measure); if the value is NA then it means the variable was not measured
- Measurement Type
- ordinal
- Measurement Domain
- Enumerated Domain
- Code Definition
- 0
- clear
- 1
- scattered
- 2
- broken
- 3
- overcast
- 4
- total cover
- NA
- not measured
- Number Of Records
- 3084
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_bird_site_information_2004-2011_p14t1103.csv
- Size
- 242714 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern7.63.2
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Name
- lvic_bird_point_counts_2004-2011_p14t418.csv
- Description
- Bird Point Count Survey Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, 2004-2011
- Attribute Information
- Name
- bird_data_id
- Definition
- Automatically generated database sequence number
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
visit_code- Name
- visit_code
- Definition
- Visit code, which is a combination of year-site code-plot number-repeat number; note this column links bird point count data to the corresponding site information
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
distance- Name
- distance
- Definition
- Distance class from survey point, plus additional category of “overhead”
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
species- Name
- species
- Definition
- Common name of species recorded. Blank values indicate no species were detected within that particular distance class
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
scientific_name- Name
- scientific_name
- Definition
- Scientific name of species recorded. Blank values indicate no species were detected within that particular distance class
- Measurement Type
- nominal
- Measurement Domain
- Text Domain
- Definition
- Character
abundance- Name
- abundance
- Definition
- Count of species detected at that distance class
- Measurement Type
- ratio
- Measurement Domain
- Standard Unit
- number
- Number Type
- whole
- Number Of Records
- 45341
- Physical Structure Description
- Object Name
- lvic_bird_point_counts_2004-2011_p14t418.csv
- Size
- 3474018 byte
- Text Format
- Number of Header Lines
- 1
- Record Delimiter
- #x0A
- Attribute Orientation
- column
- Simple Delimited
- Field Delimiter
- ,
- Distribution
- ltern7.64.2
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
- Additional Metadata Links
additionalLinksAdditional Metadata : additionalLinks
- Metadata
- additionalLinks
- url
- @name
- Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network homepage
- Access
- Access Control
- Auth System
- knb
- Order
- allowFirst
- Allow:
Permission Principal [read] public [all] cn=submitters,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org [read] cn=pn_vc_tall_eucalypt,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
Modal title
Modal title